13, 2002
The Romancing of Inbal - Part
The Fifth
The Romancing of Inbal - Part The First
The Romancing of Inbal - Part The Second
The Romancing of Inbal - Part The Third
The Romancing of Inbal - Part The Fourth
Inbal is even more beautiful than this
Letters to Inbal,
Now, I realized, the time had come to make a more concerted effort
at winning the heart of Inbal. I would have to present my case directly
to her. Being persistent and firm, yet gentle and understanding.
A series of promotional messages would most readily get my qualities
across while gradually convincing her heart that it had no choice
but to love me.
Again, contacting Inbal poses a veritable dilemma in the limiting
nature of the Jewish dating service, which does not allow any given
message between e-sweethearts to exceed 400 characters.
This in mind, I was determined to set forth my case and proceed
with my most noble of intentions. To win the heart and affections
of Inbal! 400 characters at a time.
And so, it was a chess game of seduction. And with that first message,
I realized the endgame for Inbals heart had been initiated...
Letters to Inbal:
Letter 1)
The Romancing of Inbal. This series will unfold in
the fashion of those Road Runner cartoons where the Coyote keeps
coming up with ideas and building devices to catch the Road Runner,
but they always fail somehow and end up landing on his head or
sending him over a cliff, or both. Inbal and The
Romancing of Inbal are registered trademarks of Jacques
Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.
Letter 2)
Episode 1. Dearest Inbal; fear not, for in this ongoing series
(guaranteed by ACME to win your heart) you shall be the magical,
breathtaking heroine in my quest to find a nice Jewish elf (or
leprechaun). In following with the science of romance, I shall
most likely serenade you in the fashion of a musical and forward
you a copy of the libretto so you can practice for our duet sections.
[Jacquess note to audience: Unfortunately, Inbals
name doesnt have enough syllables to truly merit successful
serenading. It would have to be something like Señorita
Inbalique de la Mancha. And, if I do indeed serenade her in
such a tragic fashion, I may be required to die in the end; but
I havent yet decided. Perhaps Ill just go crazy and
dance off into the sunset just as she falls in love with me. In
any case, well laugh about all of this when were married.
Unless I go crazily dancing off into the sunset or die.]
Letter 3)
Episode 2. Dearest Inbal; it has occurred to me that a hindrance
certainly presents itself in my quest to win your heart. Limited
as I am by the Internet, there is no way in which I may shower
you with flowers and pretty baubles. As such, I have decided to
simply list some of the flowers I would most likely have been
able to purchase for you, but didnt: roses, lilies, daffodils,
Letter 4)
Episode 2 - Continued... violets, geraniums, cacti, gladioli,
orchids, parsley, chrysanthemums, bouvardias, carnations, alstroemerias,
azaleas, aloes, clovers, moss, fici, ferns, philodendrons, dieffenbachias,
scheffleras, pterodactyls, leafy liverworts (Hepatophyta Jungermanniidae)...
um... violets, tulips, catnip, and a little Teddy Bear named Stuart
who would love you with all of his heart.
To Be Continued...